
12 Sept 2012

Death and all his friends

Or his scythe, more like it. Another mostly Dark Souls themed sketch, with some focus on draped fabrics (credit for the Death-draped-fabric-idea goes completely to someone else ;) ).

And now I can't stop thinking about Binky. If I ever figure out how to draw horses properly, you'll get a mounted Death :)

10 Sept 2012


Yup, I finished my monster-drawing of a cow for my niece :). She hasn't come to pick it up yet, so I'm really hoping she'll still like it in real life (she's seen some pictures).
It's still really big, 75 by 155 cm, and dominating our dining table.

8 Sept 2012

Quick sketch

Only what the title says, really. Quick sketch of Will, who has been sorely neglected lately.

6 Sept 2012

Bad influence

So a friend of mine introduced me to Dark Souls, and it turned to be ridiculously inspirational. I won't ever play it, as I don't own a ps3 and more importantly, I suck at video games, but I'll surely look up some more art.
(click for larger picture!)